Primary Containment

Muscle Wall Primary Containment

Modular above ground primary containment berms

Muscle Wall is an above ground primary containment solution effectively removing the need for costly earthen solutions. Muscle Wall is quick, easy, reusable, reliable, and customizable.

Muscle Wall vs Earthen Solutions

Typical earthen containment solutions are expensive, require the use of heavy equipment, and present significant environmental concerns. Muscle Wall was engineered and designed to provide superior primary and secondary containment without the common issues that are prevalent with earthen solutions.

Modular design

The modular design of Muscle Wall enables the system to installed based on the individual needs of the customer or the deployment site. The ability to have squared primary containments helps maximize the utilized space on the pad, as well as fit around other equipment.

The numbers don't lie

During a recent primary containment deployment in Hobbs, New Mexico, one 18,000bbls and two 25,000bbl containments were installed with 4-foot Muscle Wall.

Deployment time for Muscle Wall systems:
200ft x 200ft (25,000bbl) 7 Hours
7 Hours
200ft x 170ft (18,000bbl) 5 Hours
5 Hours
200ft x 200ft (25,000bbl) 3.5 Hours
3.5 Hours
These figures are significant because not only do they show that Muscle Wall can be installed very quickly, but each time a crew deploys the system they will become much more comfortable with the procedures and installation times can decrease with each and every deployment.

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